The fact is that a successful printed ad is designed in a certain way for a reason and a purpose. To convince YOU! But how do they do this? Well see the following:
1. They get you ATTENTION by:
a. Showing you an unusual setting, you know, something that will stop you and make you say: what the heck is that?
b. They intrude in your personal life by bombarding your mind with phrases like: BIG SALE !! ONLY TODAY! BUY NOW!!! CLICK HERE NOW!!! DON’T LET THIS OFFER PASS YOU BY!! Blah, blah, etc.
2. Once the ad gets your attention, it will try to PERSUADE you by:
a. Showing you the benefits
b. Offering you a solution
c. Use a testimony
d. Show you that you need this product
e. Or it will just show you the product use
I guess we all need to go this fast?
3. The ad must be designed to RECALL the products or services in the ad by using:
a. Gigantism: Making things larger than life!!!
b. Sensations: MMM..that looks Yummi, or cute, or Sexy!
c. They will evoke your feelings.
Well now that I have showed you how advertisers will manipulate your mind to get you to buy their products… I think I have spoiled the whole shopping experience.
Network and be cool.