Tuesday, August 11, 2009

CBT-Marketing Class (WEEK 6) Advertising

Hello Class, please discuss the ads below. Give me your honest opinion. Tell me if they are effective or infective.

Magazine Ad:

Billboard Ads:

Television Ad:


Sebastian Ortiz said...

Here is my Honest Opinion...

Ad #1: I think it is effective since Electra line of bikes are designed to meet riders expectation. what I mean by that, is they main target are Old people, or people that are looking for a comfortable ride. and also they are promoting people to use more their bikes rather than cars. which I think its a great idea... Also by purchansing Electra bikes you are helping US economy since if im not mistaken they are made here in the states.

Ad#2 : Well, as we can see in the pictures, you can tell there is a big fight between these two companies, BMW and Audio. Both of them are trying to compete to each other rather than to do with to attract more costumer...

Video : Its like all the comercial of organizations that we see on tv everyday...Nothing New..... and they all ask for $$$$ a way to help> now< how do we know the money that we are investing to help them , its actually to help them and not for somethin else.....

Sebastian Ortiz said...

Ivette: mmmmm... Well as far as ad#2, its like every company trying to put down the competition by telling consumers that their products are better than the competition. Im sure you have seen like quiznos ads in which they show they subs are way bigger than subway for the same price, with a lot more meat than subway.... It looks like that is the new way of promoting a product, by comparing it with the competition.......

Ad#1 its ok. too bad its not a popular brand such as Trek, or many other companies that has been in the market for years years years.....Its a brand that Its getting into the market Up north...

Video: Its kind of boring to see those types of commercials, since there are so many out there, and they show images for you to feel guilty if you dont help them.....